Heating and Air Conditioning Examples in the Cape May and Atlantic County Area

A Bad Moter Leads To No Heat In This Ocean City Home

Written by RJ McAllister | Jan 25, 2018 12:03:34 AM

Having your heat fail in the cold of winter can be a terrible situation. You are shivering in your home, wearing a jacket and draped in blankets, not even wanting to take a shower because of how cold it's going to be when you get out! Fortunately for this Ocean City duplex owner, we were able to get out to their home quickly when the heat shut off suddenly.

When the Comfort Now Specialist went out to take a look, it was easy to tell what was wrong. The inducer motor was broken, which is a main component of the system they were using. The specialist recommended that they replace the system instead of repairing it for 2 main reasons.

Problem: Broken inducer motor in a 20 year old furnace. Also an old R-22 Air Conditioning system.

Solution: Replace both the heating and air conditioning systems with a new, energy efficient Carrier Furnace and Central Air Conditioning system.

The first reason was that the system was already 20 years old. Heaters like this one generally last between 10 to 20 years, so this was probably going to need to be replaced soon anyway.

The second reason was the price of the repair. An inducer motor replacement is a job that would cost a decent amount of money. For that price, it may be a better decision to install a new system that will do a better job, and use less energy.

The Specialist also took a look at the air conditioning system. This was also old and not in the best condition. It also uses an old refrigerant called R-22, or Freon, that is currently being phased out of the US., due to it's ozone depleting properties. R-22 is very expensive, and in 2020 it will be completely out of production.

The homeowner decided to replace both the heating and air conditioning systems. They figured they would do a lot of good things for their home by making this change.

  1. Make their home more comfortable in the winter and the summer
  2. Ensure they have a functioning system all year long for YEARS to come
  3. Save money with far lower energy bills, and a $500 rebate on energy efficient equipment
  4. Have a greener home, now that they have energy efficient systems, and no longer use R-22

They decided to go with a Carrier System. We installed a Carrier 80% Afue gas furnace, evaporator coil and condenser. This system came with a 10 years parts and compressor warranty, and a 20 year heat exchanger warranty. They also installed a Carrier Central Air Conditioning System as well.

They were happy to have new systems that wouldn't have to be replaced for years to come. They can also expect a significant drop in their energy bills. It's not always a good thing when something in the house breaks, but it can be the push you need to making your home a better place to live.

Installing a new completely new and energy efficient (green) HVAC system will also improve the value of the duplex. This is a main component of any home, and having brand new heating and air conditioning equipment can go a long way.