Yes, you saw it correctly...#1 HVAC Contractor in Atlantic County is the newest title given to us by the readers of The Press of Atlantic City when they voted us the top spot for the Best of the Press GOLD Award for 2019!

We are incredibly humbled by this award and will continue to make you proud by providing outstanding customer service while offering superior products and equipment designed specifically for the Jersey Shore environment; as well as continuing to provide you reliable, educational content here on our blog! But enough about us...let's talk humidity!
Today doesn't feel too bad with a relative humidity around 79 percent...but this summer was brutal! So we thought we'd share some information about how the humidity levels this summer may have impacted your home and how you may not be aware of the damage these dangerous levels may have caused your investment!
Talk about the hot & muggy’ s. The humidity (dew point) has been brutal for weeks and not only does that mean discomfort, it also provides the perfect environment for organic growth. I’m not talking about Whole Foods or pesticide free. I’m referring to organic growths like algae, mildew & molds in and around your home!
We don’t have the details yet, but it feels as humid (or maybe worse) than it did last summer...and last summer was a record breaker!
Local meteorologist Joe Martucci did a look back at 2018 and published his findings in The Press of Atlantic City last October. He reported that the average dew point from August 1, 2018 through Oct 21, 2018 was more than 3x higher than the next highest in the prior 67 years!!! And this year feels worse?
What impact does this have on you?
Besides having sweat pour off of you as if you ran a marathon if you stay outside too long, hot temperatures and high dew points can cause respiratory discomfort, accelerate dehydration and bring on heat related illnesses.
How does this impact other things in your life?
I see a lot more buildings with green algae and black stains on them these days. Crawl spaces, basements and attics also seem to be very damp anymore. At times, you can even experience a mini "rain storm" coming off the ductwork in your basement or crawl space. This can cause premature rot and deterioration to the structure of your home...not to mention mold growth — especially in hot attics!
If the mold gets too bad, it can cause major health issues. It’s important to be aware of them and if in doubt, please have them inspected by a professional (for the record, we are not experts in mold). BTW mold spores are not always black or green. They are all different colors and sometimes they look like an innocent white fuzz on the wood in your attic or basement/crawl space.
Doesn’t the AC get rid of the humidity?
An air conditioner dehumidifies, but it is NOT a dehumidifier. A properly sized AC system will get your home drier, but not necessarily dry enough. AND……the air conditioner only dehumidifies when it is on for cooling. A general rule of thumb, the more it runs the more moisture it removes. As the days start to cool off a bit, your air conditioner will begin to run less. If the dew point stays high, dampness will win!
When the air conditioner is trying to overcome high humidity in your home, it uses some of its capacity to cool...and while it's in that fight, it will not be able to cope with extreme high temperatures!
At times, it may feel like we’re living in Charleston or Houston, but our air conditioners were designed for our “normal” climatic conditions. That being said, they often do not do well in extreme heat and humidity. If it is over 90 degrees outside and you manage to get the internal temperature down to 68 degrees in your home, your air conditioner may have too much capacity. Why is this a problem? On milder days, it just goes on/off, on/off. When it does that, it is doing a poor job of dehumidifying your home.
What you can do?
First things first...don’t turn the AC off and certainly don’t open the windows and let the “fresh” air in on super humid days. If you don’t need the AC for cooling your home, set the thermostat to 80 degrees to maintain a steady temperature and give your air conditioner a little edge in fighting the humidity in the house.
Another could consider a 2 stage or variable speed air conditioner that will run longer at lower capacities (most of the time) and ramp up with the extra capacity when it gets hotter. Running longer at the lower capacity will do a much better job of dehumidifying your home in the long run.
The very best way to control humidity in your home is with a dedicated dehumidifier. You can get one of the portable units online or at your local box store. These units are efficient for a small spaces and you can simply empty it when it fills up. Sound like fun, huh!?!
For optimum dehumidification of your home, the only real solution is a whole-house dehumidifier, usually tied into your duct work. These units have capacities to remove up to 130 pints per day (32.5 gallons of water)! They are self-draining and can really help get your home quite comfortable. As an added bonus, when the air is dry, you can set your thermostat higher and still be comfortable...TRUE FACT!
Are you ready to get out of the swamp and properly dehumidify your home?
We’d welcome the opportunity to have a conversation about controlling the humidity in your home or office. Give us a call or check out the information below to learn how molds, mildew and dust mites don't have a chance with Aprilaire products...
Get to Know the Aprilaire Line of Products
Regardless whether you live on the mainland or on the islands, excess humidity is a problem. If you live on the mainland, indoor humidity is especially pronounced in the summertime when the outdoor humidity is also high. You're likely to notice it more in your basement, where moisture is easily trapped.
As you know, our shore climates suffer from excess indoor humidity year-round and may see a spike during winter months when it's too cool for the air conditioner to run. A whole-home dehumidifier can be installed as part of your home's heating and cooling system to automatically remove the exact right moisture from every room throughout your house!
Check out the short video to the right to learn more...
If you are looking for a whole-home dehumidifier designed to withstand the rigors of the Jersey Shore environment, take a look at the Aprilaire Line of can learn more about the benefits of an Aprilaire Dehumidifier by visiting their website at!
If you have additional questions about the Aprilaire Whole-Home Dehumidifiers, pick up the phone and give us a call at 609-400-1005, we have the answers you need!